Tuesday, April 20, 2010

God Loves His Children So Much!

A couple of days ago, I had the first opportunity in a long time to play the piano.

I had been sad, but now I was ecstatic!

I played children's songs from a church music book I'd received a strong impression to use this time, instead of the hymnal I was about to play from.

I was amazed at how good this one song sounded.

("We Are Different", Children's Songbook)

I had not played it for a very long time, but I was able to do it pretty well, and so I played it through several times, with feeling.

A little while later, I was driving my daughters to church during a blinding rainstorm.

I was very nervous, doubtful that I should even be trying to get to church during a downpour that could easily flood the old-town streets surrounding our little chapel.

But somehow, we had gotten in the car early enough, so I was able to take the long way, in order to avoid the more-likely-to-flood streets, and still make it to church on time. I decided to do that, and then as I continued to drive a little bit more slowly than I usually would, with the windshield wipers going as fast as they could, we sang the song I'd just played at home:

I know you, and you know me.
We are as different as the sun and the sea.
I know you, and you know me.
And that's the way it is supposed to be.

I help you, and you help me.
We learn from problems, and we're starting to see
I help you, and you help me.
And that's the way it is supposed to be.

I love you, and you love me.
We reach together for the best we can be.
I love you, and you love me.
And that's the way it is supposed to be!

The song has a Caribbean rhythm, and really is fun to sing.

I felt so much more calm and confident afterward.

After our worship service, I took my 4-y-o to the children's chapel, so that I could help her recite a scripture for the children's service.

The chapel was quickly filling up with darling energetic souls, and their devoted teachers, but the pianist was nowhere in sight.

I offered to play a few songs until she showed up, and soon began to play prelude music.

The pianist never showed up, probably because she's having terrible morning sickness.

I was blessed to participate in this most joyous children's worship.

My heart rejoiced with those innocent boys and girls as they sang their testimonies of truth in beautiful songs like "I am a Child of God" and "A Child's Prayer".

As I played newer songs, like "Scripture Power" and "I Know My Savior Loves Me", I was startled at how my childhood practice of sight-reading helped me to help the children.

God loves His children so much, that He prompted me to prepare to play for them.

And I felt so good, just being part of that blessing.


Karen Mello Burton said...

I am so glad you got to play. That is cool! And I think those songs bring the spirit so much it becomes tangible.

Sonny said...

No place better to feel the pure warmth of God's love.