Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anticipating Hurricane Esther Jenn

Hubby Sonny works nights every other month. On the evens, he misses church because he has to work on Sundays.

Jack will be moving out in a few months to go on a mission.

Bob will be moving out this weekend to live with a family whose son has attained sobriety.

That leaves me with four daughters. With only the occasional male presence. Can you say "estrogen overload"?


honeypiehorse said...

Wow, 6 kids? And two working! Well done.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Interesting. How do you feel about Bob moving out? Good with it?

Cookie said...

OK, so I've been absent a while . . . Sorry I haven't responded earlier. I edited this post to make it a little clearer. Only one child of ours has a job. thanks for the compliment :)

Am I OK with son moving out? yes because it's so good for everyone's healing. it's definitely different!